Prompt response to your initial inquiry:
We will give you personalized feedback for your individual appraisal needs.
There's no painful process involved - just tell us your situation, and we'll point you in the right direction.
Quick turnaround time:
You'll get a response within one business day (often in just a few hours) and you'll see results in less than seven days.
Appraisal and consulting reports formats to suit YOUR needs:
You can expect that Turner Consulting & Evaluation's appraisal and consulting services are not going to be the same for every one of our customers - there is no "one size fits all."
You can count on a variety of different appraisals and delivery methods when you order from Turner Consulting & Evaluation.
Turner Consulting & Evaluation's appraisers will give you a prompt reply to any follow-up questions:
You can be assured that all Turner Consulting & Evaluation's reports meet or exceed Oregon's guidelines and the Uniform Standards of Professional Practice that establishes appraisal standards on a federal level.
Like with any product or service, if there are any concerns at all about your appraisal - before or after you've received it - be sure to give us a call at 9707594389!